About me


My dream has always been to be able to help other people.

For several years I used my writing and my scenical expression to support and touch others.

On a stage you are offered a unique chance to reach out to many people at the same time.

But it is in the individual meeting that I think something truly magic can happen.

A meeting where someone gives you the time, respect and guidance that YOU need. A meeting where everything is possible and all the "impossible" instead turns into exciting challenges.

Actually I think the word "help" is the wrong term to use.

I prefer the phrase "TO BE IN SERVICE".

To me that stands for renouncing your ego and instead act as a neutral catalyst to give space for the development, growth and healing that every individual needs. I don't think that people "needs help". Rather I think they need someone that listens - really listens - and supports them along the path they themselves find that they want and need to walk.


Today spirituality is one of my absolute most important aspects of my life, but it wasn't always like that.

I thought for a long time that the spiritual "gift" or "talent" was something that you were born with and something meant for only a select chozen few. Those kinds of people that had spectacular sights, visioner and could communicate with the dead on TV.

Many of those prejudiced notions that exists around healing and spirituality was something I carried myself.

But somewhere within me there was at the same time a longing for being able to believe and feel something more. Though it took 25 years before I finally let myself feel that, as I attended my very first spiritul treatment and since then there has only been one way ahead.

Problem, feelings and weights I had carried for several years could all of a sudden be dissolved in one moment. But the most fantastic part of it all was when I started to take courses and gain the tools to do the same thing for others.

That's why I now want to do that as much as I can.

Even if my own conviction is spiritual it is absolutely not mandatory for the client to be that as well.

I instead look at it like I have different tools to offer; in terms of energy medicine and life coaching, depending on where the client is in their life and what they are open to.


Linn Fjällmo Vestin



